Running in Circles: Gambling Addiction

- L. Walsh

“There’s so much hope of a better life. Won’t have to work anymore, will have all the finer things. “Just have to stay disciplined and follow your system. But that first $100 is gone so you have to get that back and then it’ll be smooth sailing from there on out.”

And that’s how the cycle builds and continues. Get that dopamine hit, just add a little more money, this time it’s different. This time you won’t let it get out of control. Round and round you go. Sometimes you’re up and flying high, other times you’re panicking and trying to claw your way out of the hole.

It’s easy to say at least it’s not drugs, at least it’s not alcohol. The compulsive behavior and need to keep going is always the same.”

Photo: Tim Brosius / Model: Joey Cabrera / Concept: Andrew Key, Rebecca Ellis, Samantha Trionfo, Tim Brosius