Eat Your Heart Out: OCD

- Carlye Fenner

"I was 17 years old at the time in 2005 & living in El Cajon, CA. I was a healthy 117 lbs. Shockingly, I wasn't content with my weight. I felt the need to lose a bit to be happy. So, when I started my junior year in high school, I joined an aerobics class in P.E.

After a few weeks, I noticed that I was losing some unnecessary weight, which I was thrilled! However, I got to a certain point where I was losing TOO much TOO soon. I was restricting my food intake. I was limiting myself to drinking less fluids. On top of me joining aerobics, I also joined the track & field team. Each day was getting worse & worse. I started to become very irritable, tired, & weak.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stop doing what I was doing. 3 Months later, my family & I moved from El Cajon, CA to Maryland, & by that time in August 2005, I was a dangerous 69 lbs! I was terrified. I didn't know what else to do? When I started my senior year at my new high school, I reached a breaking point. I've had enough. I wanted to end my life. So I wrote a suicidal note & gave it to my teacher. Not 30 minutes later, I was sent to my counselor & she immediately had me sent to the crisis center with my mom. Once we arrived, I got a VERY stern reprimand. The doctor I saw at the crisis center basically told me, "you need to eat your heart out!"

So.....I took that literally & seriously. Within a matter of a few weeks, I put all my healthy weight back on & was feeling better! I've been struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since 2005 & I continue to do so today. However, I've been trying to manage my OCD very carefully & in a healthier manner. I never want to go down that dangerous path again! My heart could've easily given out. Thankfully, my family rescued me just in the nick of time."

Photo: Mark Robert Rogers / Model: Sarah Bentman / Concept: Andrew Key, Mark Robert Rogers, Rebecca Ellis, Samantha Trionfo, Tim Brosius /
MUA: Julia Ashley